Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I Heart Faces

I came across a new photography website... I heart faces... they have weekly contests for kids faces.
I'm entering this photo into the weeks challenge of...
You guessed it...
hehe. This one makes me crack up.

Over and Over again.


  1. LOL! This is too cute! Look at that tongue! I posted a couple of silly tongue pictures too. That little one looks like his tongue will be as long or longer than my sons! hee hee

  2. Why tongues hanging out so cute??

    Love your blogs!

  3. So cute! I love babies hanging out together!

    I love your photography! You've got some really great shots on here!

    I'll come back and visit :)

  4. Both babies are absolutely precious! They're so squeezable! Makes me miss having one that little...
