Saturday, January 31, 2009


Sooo I didn't post a picture yesterday, Which I consider to be a-ok ... why? Because I took pictures ... I just didn't post.
So yeah.
On To more important things. It appears Chloe has re-developed a case of baby acne. We're not sure if it's just due to the weather or some skin sensitivity to something she's in contact with...
That's what Photoshop is for. Isn't it fabulous?!
(Don't worry - I don't photoshop all her pictures, I just figured she'd like a few without a full-blown case of acne)... She's not a teenager YET !

The following pictures are all a variation of the same exact shot, just messed around with her eyes a little. Can't help it! There are so many different ways to do things in photoshop. So much to do, so little time!! The hard thing about working on the eyes is the tendency to accidentally make them look freakishly alien-like.. I'm trying to just enhance color slightly. So if you can't tell a difference between some pictures, you're not looking hard enough! :)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cute Bow Girl

So I had pictures of our old lady with a cute little pink bow in her hair.
Blogger doesn't think I should get to post any pictures tonight.
I do NOT like blogger tonight.

Blogger finally decided they should be posted.
Turns out they only want to let me post ONE picture.
Still not liking the blogger tonight. Maybe I'll feel differently tomorrow.
Need my own webpage and server. Oh Monkeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... Couldja helpme?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I wasn't expecting her to roll during our photo session...
But I'll gladly take shots of her mid-roll...Blurry or not!

And After.

Can you tell she's super proud of herself?
Sorry. Also Blurry. Had to catch the moment. She isn't big on smiling for my new camera so this is a big deal... I think it's much scarier looking than the Point&Shoot.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sugar Pie Honey Bunch...

You Know I Love YOU!

Friday, January 23, 2009


no goose.
But I DO have duck butts for you!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Skip A Beat

Seriously. This picture makes my heart skip a beat. Sometimes 2.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Great Fire... Or Something Like It

These are pictures I took of a fire from Chloe's bedroom. It's interesting to see the different viewpoints depending on how zoomed in (or out) I was.

See the Birdie?

Looks pretty peaceful (despite the fire)...I'll bet that you never would have guessed THIS was below the trees :)

Sorry...Couldn't just post one pic! I'm chronicling events here, people! (Yes, I am pretty sure chronicling is a word...blogger says so)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Inauguration Day.
Based on today's events, Today's picture should be related to a more hopeful tomorrow... I'm not sure if anyone else feels it, but there seems to be a unity, a cohesiveness that I haven't really felt before, nor can I try to accurately explain. I'm not sure if it's so much Obama himself, but more the thought that just having this change will in itself bring about change.
In any case, I'm excited. I have to be honest, this is the first time I've been even remotely interested in politics. I'm not sure if it's the politics I'm even interested in... more the fact that I am feeling the impact of our economy for the first time, really... I'm so grateful for what I have, that Chris continues to have a great job (which includes healthcare for our family)... Lord knows about 4 months ago, it really came in handy :) Did you know they billed 20 THOUSAND dollars just for my quick, easy delivery with no epidural resulting in a super healthy baby...upon which we were allowed to be discharged after less than 35 hours?! C'mon folks. That's highway robbery.
This post is so scatterbrained. Ok...where was I goign... Oh yeah, I know where I was going. To share in the excitement of today, Chloe got her second round of shots. 2 in one thigh and one in another! Yowzers. Look at the bandaids that the nurse put on. X marks the spot!

Monday, January 19, 2009

So Last Minute

Fudge had a tough day today. My post for today is so very unplanned and last minute. oh well...

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Which do you like better?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Waller Park

Today, we went to our favorite park to meet up with some old friends...

Chloe enjoyed herself. Haha.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Photo Challenge

I'm entering this picture of Chloe into the photo challenge here on Dr. Cason's website. I'm going to start doing more of these. It's fun, although SUPER intimidating. Have to come out of my shell at some point, however!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Photoshop Fun

This post is dedicated to playing around in Photoshop. It's SO intimidating... but I think I'm kind of getting the feel for things, I am so excited to see where I am in a year. Oh boy! Which do you like the best?!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009


Today marks the first time I've shot in RAW. I have so much to learn about photography. Basically, RAW is just that; RAW. It's the picture that you take before your camera finalizes it and compresses it into a JPEG image. With RAW, you can adjust for inadequate exposure and lots of other things... so I'm pretty excited. That being said, it also creates a file image that takes up 3x more space! Yikes... Good thing we stocked up on $5.00 2GB SD cards at Fry's. Have I lost anyone?! :)

Did I mention that Chris gave me a desktop to use? Don't worry - it's just one he had laying around. Haha. Love it. I actually really like having a desktop. It's been YEARS since I've used one - back when AOL was like 'da bomb' and I was in High School... so... seriously, we're talking years.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Friday, January 9, 2009


This is where all the magic is *going to* happen.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Tricks

Chloe has been learning a lot of new tricks lately.
If you consider realizing your feet are attached to your body a 'trick'...

Ok. But seriously, that picture is so yesterday.

Here's one from today - right after I found her tooth 'bud'... *i think*

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Practice makes...perfect?

Hardly. I took a bajillion of these photos, trying to figure out why I couldn't get her face in the mirror to be clear. Turns out the mirror on her play gym isn't a real mirror and is super foggy. Hehe.

And because of the blurry picture... I'll post a clear runner up

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Buddy's First Visit...

Today, my new buddy arrived. I waited all day very patiently, and around dinner time, the doorbell rang. At last! I have been waiting like, FOREVER.

To mark the occassion, I cleaned the house and had pulled-pork waiting in the crockpot. My buddy doesn't talk much, but I guess that's kinda the way I like it.

This new blog is more for myself than my other blog, but you'll see the same model over and over here. She's gorgeous!

My goal *Gulp* is to take a picture everyday for 365 days and post it here on the blog. Hopefully by the end of the year, I will have learned a thing or two about how to push my buddy's buttons. This will hopefully chronicle an amazing transformation!

So here goes...

Oh, Have you guessed who my buddy is?!