Monday, January 12, 2009


Today marks the first time I've shot in RAW. I have so much to learn about photography. Basically, RAW is just that; RAW. It's the picture that you take before your camera finalizes it and compresses it into a JPEG image. With RAW, you can adjust for inadequate exposure and lots of other things... so I'm pretty excited. That being said, it also creates a file image that takes up 3x more space! Yikes... Good thing we stocked up on $5.00 2GB SD cards at Fry's. Have I lost anyone?! :)

Did I mention that Chris gave me a desktop to use? Don't worry - it's just one he had laying around. Haha. Love it. I actually really like having a desktop. It's been YEARS since I've used one - back when AOL was like 'da bomb' and I was in High School... so... seriously, we're talking years.


  1. I got upgrades coming in for it on Thursday...

  2. Dude, Isn't AOL still da bomb? I use it like it's going out of style. AOL4evr

    I'm outtie

